LifeSpring Massage is a vision about giving our body what it needs to nurture and heal itself.

Lifespring Massage of Pleasanton

Natural healing always starts from within. We need to reflect and focus on the pure, vibrant energy of our being. If we make a conscious decision to discipline our mind and filter out the distractions in our daily lives that cause us pain and discomfort, we can set a path to strengthen and awaken our health and wellbeing. Occasionally, we all need a little inspiration and encouragement to assist us in realizing our journey. LifeSpring Massage is committed to helping you remove physical, psychological, and emotional blockages that inhibit the flow of your own natural healing energies. We provide therapeutic touch with proven techniques in a supportive, relaxing atmosphere to promote a positive stimulus for your body to respond and recover from stress and trauma. You will find renewed peace and vitality at LifeSpring Massage. Massage info links:

Massage and Bodywork Magazine
Body Sense Magazine Digital

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
California Massage Therapy Council